
The Future.

All my assignments are finished. All I have to do for the next week is edit, edit edit. I also have to write an article for the paper, and I'm trying to figure out what exactly I'm going to discuss; probably some reviews of upcoming books. I suppose there's lots to talk about after the San Diego Comic-Con, so I might dig around for juicy gossip and previews of new comics.

What I really want to do is review poetry. Not that I don't like reviewing comics (I will probably keep it up during my tenure at UBC, since I learned how to receive free comics for review) but in my heart of hearts I would like to devote three to five hundred words on poetry, maybe on a monthly basis. I'm not sure if there are any venues for this sort of writing at the student level. Students can contribute to papers and journals, so perhaps there's some space in those publications. I'm just stoked to be writing on a regualar basis again. Also, I'm going to try out for editorial positions whenever they come up.

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