
There are Men on My Roof

It's true, I'm not being cryptic. As I write this, there's at least two gentlemen climbing up and down ladders outside my office, and the occassional banging on the roof follows suit. It's currently raining, so that must suck having to work up there. I've been told that roofers prefer working in the rain so they can see where the leak is. Who knows.

But, uh, other than that it's kind of dull around here. Going to classes, going to work, writing whenever I can. I spent last night goofing off and crashing really early; now I feel as though I can actually Get Things Done. Yesterday I did that mid-term. It went well. There was one section that got me: identifying the similarities and differences between two phonemes. I have no idea if I actually answered any of them correctly. But that's always the case. Whenever I think I did badly, I end up doing great.

Now I have to edit. I should make a list of all the possible topics I want to blog about, then write them up like chapters.

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