
Where to find me.

Where have y'all been hanging out on the intrawubbs? You'll find me loitering here:

Urban Dead

I play a zombie. I'm currently in Stanbury Village with a horde of nearly a hundred zombies outside Nichols Mall. We patiently wait to slaughter helpless human survivors.


For all my obscure news.

The Beat

For all my comic news. Both popular and underground comics get the same treatment, which makes for a refreshingly balanced read. Most websites and magazines either focus only on indies and slam popular titles or vice-versa.

The Show With Ze Frank

Genuinely funny and entertaining, Ze has capitalized on the internet's social potential to make a series of rather personal videos on politics, culture and random dirty jokes. Also, he films parts of New York and I love New York.


I'm only there to watch episodes of Justice League and Robot Chicken. I am a nerd. Stop snickering.

There are more but I'm too lazy at the moment to type them all out. I've been checking out artist's blogs, but I need to return to literary-minded sites. Suggestions?