
I have some bad news.

As some of you might know, my dad is currently in hospice. He was diagnosed with prostrate cancer three years ago, and after a long battle he was informed by his specialist that further treatment would be ineffective and possibly life-threatening.

He was admitted to hospice in August. On Friday we were told by my dad's attending doctor he will not live past Christmas.

I don't know how I'm feeling at the moment. Sad? Kind of. Angry? Yes. Exhausted? Definitely. My mom and sister are holding up, but since August we've all been crying and worrying about my dad. I'm out of sadness at the moment. All I can do is keep living.

I've made arrangements with my profs and at work. I'll be spending more time in Victoria, so my posts will be infrequent. The other day, my dad specifically told me to stay in school, and continue studying. I'll be balancing family and school.

I won't let him down.