
Back for awhile.

Hey there.

I've only been in town for a couple of weeks and I'm already worn out. Not that I'm complaining, because I love being busy and having multiple projects on the go. I've already taken a trip to Victoria to visit the family, and I've seen friends, and now I just finished my first week of classes.

I'm taking two intensive summer classes, meaning I go to class every day for about four hours, and the classes run for six weeks in total. You can imagine the frantic reading and lack of sleep that comes with intensive classes. I'm taking Shakespeare and another French course, by the way.

Besides that, I got a writing contract from the university library. They're setting up interactive software (read: a video game) to help students avoid plagiarism. Basically, I get to write the script for one of the scenarios in the game. I get free reign, and I think I have some input on the format. I was thinking of using a comic book layout. Each scene is framed like a panel in a comic, and players choose which route their characters should take as they write their paper.

So far, the project is amorphous. That is, there is no solid story, no format, no tone, no nothing. This is sort of fun. The project leaders want something comedic and possibly campy (so maybe throw in some pop culture references?) so I have to build this sucker from the ground up. I have twenty hours to produce something.

I actually feel as though I turned into my father. He spent his life working from contract to contract, hired on the basis of his specialization. In his case, it was building staircases; I use words instead of wood. I like that.

Anyway, hope is all good on your end.

Spare Winter Hours will updated infrequently until I get back. Stay tuned.