
My head wound.

I never had stitches or staples before, so lying face down on a hospital bed at midnight while a doctor pinches my flesh together with steel staples was rather novel.

First the doctor (I don't remember his name, he was really upbeat and yet kept clam calm through the whole procedure) administered some local anesthetic, which hurt a little, then scraped out the blood clot; it was about the width of a quarter and really thick. Then he scrubbed the area to wash out the remaining blood and dirt. I told him I had a birthday recently and a job interview the next day, so as a birthday present to me he didn't shave my head to get to the wound. Very sweet of him.

He had Kayla come in to watch as a "reward" for being such a great first aid person. She told me afterwards that he stuck his forefinger into the wound and felt my exposed skull. I couldn't feel a thing. Pressing the wound together, he stapled the gash in an impressive amount of time. I could feel the skin being squeezed and held together as the staples drove through my skin: those of you with piercings might be able to relate to the feeling. No pain whatsoever, but I felt them sliding around under my skin.

Today I'm much better. I'll be back on the streets tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

you should call jason and see if you can get added to his show... hat pins? hah! try staples!


Jay said...

I could be the main act. I'll wear a suit and play up the "accident at the office" angle.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I not only live with that head wound but took the picture, and still I find the image gruesome and shocking. Glad you are feeling better! Keep taking it easy.

On the plus side, the doc did a real good job of stapling and for once my nails look good ;) Lol.


Jay said...

I will not tolerate blatant self-promotion on my blog young lady!

Paul Crawford said...

damn... damn.

grad student hack said...

Oh, but you should click on my link because I think it will be of interest to you. Seriusly, I love your site and thought a little self promotion would be okay. *blink*

Nah, jes' kiddin. I didn't know that saying my nails looked good qualified as spamming your blog with pro-L propaganda.


Jay said...

Paul, I know. It looks a lot worse than it feels.