
The Fall of Captain Hook

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Today I arrived at school at 8 AM so I could rehearse the play with my group. I wrote (most) of the script, and the others made sets, costumes and even a program. I should mention that this play was for my English class (medieval literature) and we did a modern interpretation of The Creation and the Fall, which was an Anglo-Saxon mystery play performed by the community rather than professional actors. We used the Peter Pan story to depict the rebellion in heaven and the fall of Lucifer. Naturally, I played the devil, represented by Captain Hook.

The performance went better than I thought. Some of the jokes got laughs from the entire audience, rather than the few who laugh to rescue the actor from embarrassment (I should have used the old theater trick where my friends would sit in the back and laugh uproariously, so it becomes contagious and everyone laughs) at the right times, although some didn't work. Most of the time, humour isn't effective if the delivery is shaky. The scene changes were a little stilted, mostly because I screwed up, and I flubbed my lines in the first act. No one really noticed in the audience, though. Musical selection was appointed to me, and I think it worked out well. I used Tom Waits, Nick Cave and some soundtrack stuff. The biggest surprise was finding out that the department head was there, and the fact turned my knees to a gelatinous substance similar to the skin that forms over cooling soup. Peter Pan was great, as were the Lost Boys and pirates. The whole project was really fun and I get another script to add to my portfolio.

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