
Shameless plug + why I shiver when I walk

It's been a slow week here at The Stars Have Eyes laboratories, now that school has gained momentum again. I have another weekend of finishing projects (two this time) plus I really have to call K, who I haven't seen since Easter.

Last night I pretty much drank for five hours, prior to seeing my friend D's band play at the Candy Bar last night. I'm not bragging about the drinking, don't get me wrong, only it's pretty sad when I edge towards a binge and not even see it coming. It was cool to see friends from Victoria, and I bumped into R too. We made plans. I have a bottle of lemon and ginger ale I picked up last night, then after that I'm on detox mode. Activate!

However, I spent my afternoon cooking: the beginnings of a chili is in the slow cooker, and I made fried rice with coconut milk and green curry, and now I'm gonna have me some cheese, apple slices and coffee. Tonight I want to make homemade mayonnaise with cilantro, and enjoy the chili with the lemon and ginger ale. I will have to get someone to fetch me some chocolate and chili peppers for the chili.

The Other Press is behind on this month's issue. Dang. When I checked out the site the other day I noticed that my article was listed in a column off the side labeled "Popular." The one titled "Les Bandes Dessinées Sont Bonne Nourriture." Yeah, that one. Does this mean my article is popular, or what? I will send a team of angry apes to investigate. I think it might be out today (I just checked: no) or next week. Next month I'm writing an essay on live music (With D's show acting as a catalyst/preamble to the article) and manga.

If I were a pirate, would I say "arrrrrrrrticle?" That, dear friends, is stupid.

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