Lately, my obsessions are as follows: French cooking (on the weekends), short stories, writing the perfect short story, looking for poetry I haven't read yet, coffee, iced coffee beverages, comics, writing about comics, tabletop games, the fact that Star Wars: Battlegrounds will be available for Mac in July, choosing what English courses to take at UBC, choosing what sociology courses to take at UBC, my play, eating and drinking with friends, reconnecting with friends, widgets, and bothering people about what I obsess over.
I have to work this afternoon, followed by more homework. I kind of took Sunday off to spend time with L's folks and to recover from the night before: I went for drinks with my co-workers. I had a great time, and I forgot how much I like the Met and the all the bars in the neighbourhood. When I took a shower yesterday morning my elbow ached whenever it came into contact with water. I had to twist my arm to get a better look. Lo and behold, there was a chunk missing from my elbow! How the hell did that happen? Was someone nibbling on me? Did I get into a fight? I only had a few drinks and I was perfectly conscious the whole time. It still aches a little; L was kind enough to put a band-aid over the abrasion this morning. Thanks for listening.
Tu dois apprendre a parler la langue de ton pere un de ces cuisine francaise, comme la literature, ne peut pas etre separee de la langue.
(Comment former les accents sur l'ordinateur? C'est un mystere)
Whenever someone leaves a comment in French, a kitten smiles a little. It's true.
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