
The grades are just pouring in now.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a paper on Horace's dissertation (perhaps not the correct word) on the poet, and although I worked hard on it, I was worried I was missing some crucial argument. I got the paper back yesterday. An A+!

I did get a B+ on my Freud mid-term, and today I did five minute presentation, psychoanalyzing the protagonist in Neil Gaiman's Coraline. I was so nervous, I had trouble articulating my argument. I kept stammering and forgetting my lines. Ugh. I only hope my thesis came across somewhat clearly.

Slovoj Zizec is coming to Vancouver on November 1st! I will definitely be there. There should be an accent circonflexe above the two z's in his name. Stupid monolingual computer.


grad student hack said...

It ain't the computer that's monolingual:

Slavoj Žižek

And for that matter, Лаку ноћ y Довиђења

Jay said...

Wha? Huh? I tried all the fancy keystrokes and I couldn't get the accent to hang out with the z! It's like they hate each other!

grad student hack said...

copy paste from the internet. just search slavoj zizek and then copy the letters in. or learn the html for those symbols. look up czech alphabet html or some such. all those different letters will come up. or if you want to write in serbian cyrrilic, just look it up, like i did.

*the note in cyrrilic says goodnight (laku noch) and goodbye (y dovidenya)