
Linky linky loo. . .

Before I hit the books, here's some intrawubb signals I've intercepted:

I'm obsessed with invisibility. I don't know why. Probably a result of consuming far too much science fiction and comic books in my greener days. Now, my dream is being realized.

I <3 libraries. Hold your breath before clicking on the link.

Somewhere on planet Earth, a group of scientists will create a stable black hole. I'm, uh, worried.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I've got the libraries book. You can leaf through it as long as you wear a bib or drool-catcher or something.

And are you and L coming over to my house on Sunday? Let me know.

Jay said...

Don't worry, I always supply my own bib.

I'll call you in regards to Sunday. School is keeping me on my toes.

Anonymous said...

I lied. It's tomorrow. Come if you can.