

This is kind of old news, but I"m beginning to believe there's no such thing as old news. Information will always be unheard by someone.

Anyway, I've been enjoying a very fascinating website that exhibits drawings by Gilles Trehin, who lives in Cagnes sur Mer in south-eastern France. Trehin has envisioned an entire city which he calls Urville, and has an impressive number of drawings that display some of the architectural features and street layouts. He has also written extensive essays on the geography, history, economics and demography of the fictional city, bringing his creation to life.

I keep thinking about Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin, and maybe some Freud, too. This is such an amazing project and I can't stop thinking about Trehin's creation. I will definitely be writing more about this wonderful city and the implications of this project. The website is here.

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