
Sad fly.

The laptop was ordered the other day, so I'm expecting it here in one to three weeks. Great.

Lately I've been interested in pulp sci-fi magazines, and their luscious covers. I found a neato site that has an impressive collection of pulp art. I have a small, nebulous idea for a comic or possibly short stories, that echo this genre's qualities. I see some potential for exploring gender roles, technology, and ethics in contemporary society. I want to scrap the film script for now and focus on the penny dreadfuls and the comic. For those who don't know, penny dreadfuls were the Victorian version of the pulp novel. They were serialized (some of them anyway) and, well, cost a penny. That's that whole Victorian/Weird Tales idea I had kicking around.

Hm. The cat just leapt onto my lap. I think he wants to type something:


So, if we take my kitty's contribution and isolate a few fragments:


Sad fly. Sadfly? I think the cat wants to be fed.

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