
My foot.

My ankle is fine. There doesn't seem to be any sprain in the area, but my foot has a gigantic bruise along the metatarsal bones.

The exam went really well! I wrote a brief essay on how Weber's definition of sociology (an interpretative understanding of social action) applies to Simmel's thesis on mental life and the city.

Now I have to prepare for my workshop and write a paragraph for linguistics. I have it easy; next semester I'm taking four courses. I was on the waitlist for Introduction to Literary Theory, but I found out yesterday that I'm now in the class.

Two more days, people. Two more days.


Jane Dark said...

Congrats on getting into the theory course. Do you know what texts you'll be using yet?

Jay said...

No, not yet. I'm going to snoop around next week and find out.

grad student hack said...

I'm so stoked you got into that class. And if the special topics course is in dystopian lit, I will have to switch into your program or just gnash my teeth from jealousy. Who am I kidding, I'll probably do the latter no matter the outcome.

Jay said...

I would like to keep the class, but I'm really hesitant to take on five courses plus work plus writing.

I know, I know. Some people had to trudge through twenty-foot snow banks in their bare feet as they're chased by rabid dogs while they try to keep their cholera pills from falling out of their threadbare pockets and take five courses.

I'm not one of those people.

Jay said...

But, you know. Dystopian fiction is fun.

Maybe you can go in my place and pretend you're me?

grad student hack said...

I do a passable J. I'm not quite as debonair, and I don't have nearly the wardrobe, but I could pull it off.