
Nasty colds and interviewing.

I got me a nasty cold recently. Yesterday I got the worst of it, seeing that I almost passed out on the way home from school. I slept for about twelve hours and now I'm feeling much better. My chest is still congested and I got the sniffles, but I'm alert and my appetite has returned.

There's nothing like a roaring headache to tell a body to get some rest.

In other news, my articles are out and I'm looking to contact the publicist for the Vancouver Playhouse to interview a director. I'm in no shape to do a live interview.

No, I like interviewing. I've only conducted a few and they've all been enjoyable. Getting the inside information on an event is empowering, to say the least. Especially if you're a critic, when you need that extra, almost subterranean knowledge that keeps productions running smoothly. Usually I'm more nervous than the person I'm interviewing. My tension doesn't register (hopefully!) because the last thing I need is an interviewee who clams up. You can coax someone, but that can lead to some unquotable responses.

I just thought of something: I never learned how to do any of this stuff. I did a stint at the University of Victoria's radio station, but I never had any formal journalistic training. Story of my life. I tend to get thrown into situations and somehow I learned how to tread the dark, churning waters.


grad student hack said...

Dude, put in a link to your theatre pieces. Really good work!

Jay said...
