
Cast of Characters.

We are about to step out for lunch and clothes shopping (downtown!) so just a brief note. Abbreviations are a thing of the past. The current cast is as follows:

L is Lisa: My sweetie.
C is Chris: Good friend and fellow writer.
C is Carla: Chris' charming girlfriend, has a wicked sense of humour.
A is Andrew: Lisa's brother and current housemate.
K is Kevin: Good friend, see post entitled >More Flesh For the Nest<.
T is Tania: Kevin's girlfriend and talented artist, I've known Tania for a long time.
W is Will: Good friend, reigning Bicycle King.
I is Iain: Friend and Arts Editor for the Other Press.
R is Ryan: Old friend and fellow literature lover.
J is Julia: A good friend of Lisa's, does non-profit work.
Ja is Jason: Julia's boyfriend, art, literature and cooking aficionado.
Je is Jess: Another good friend of Lisa's, also does non-profit work.

There are definetly more names to add to this cast, but I think these characters have appeared frequently in my past posts.

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