
I have been thinking about traveling.

The problem of having time off is trying to get things done. Yeah, sure, I can edit finished stories or continue writing current projects, but mostly I just want to sleep and forget I have responsibilities. As far as I'm concerned, holidays are monotonous. I'm updating my resume, sending out documents for scholarships, cleaning out my hard drive (and thinking about upgrading my laptop's memory) and organizing my life for the next six or so months. L and I have a tentative plan to go back east for Christmas, with a possible side trip to New York. That would be awesome; I've never been there, and I wrote up a list of all the sights I want to check out.

Lately, I've been wanting to remove myself from Vancouver. I don't know if it's permanent, but I really want to see more of the world. Spending ten days in Paris, regardless of how amazing it was, just wasn't enough for me. I want to see more of Europe, and possibly elsewhere. I was thinking Vietnam. Don't ask me why, I just want to visit Vietnam. Vancouver gets me down sometimes. The weather is alright, but sometimes the people give me a heartache. Either they are loud or boorish, or two-faced and conniving. I know people are generally the same everywhere else, and I'll meet people with the exact qualities I despise, but I just want something to be different. Maybe I want to be different. Sometimes I need to change too, and when I feel this way it's because I'm resenting myself for whatever reason. Well, my article wasn't picked this week, which wasn't entirely a big deal, but it kinda sucks. Oh well. I do have a food review coming up, albeit a short one, and possibly some show reviews from the Fringe Festival. Ha! It's not like this hasn't happened before. I'll solicit the article elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean your article wasn't picked? I totally ran it.

Anonymous said...

Okay: new plan. Run away to Paris, to become bored and blase about all the boorish French (but that should take awhile, and anyways, the French even do boorish with style). NY in december could be a go, if I can scrape together some of the fortune I make from farming. The Jack in the beanstalk story appears to be a thoroughly modern parable about the plight of the organic farmer in today's market economy. I just wish I hadn't sold the cow. Oh wait, I couldn't afford a cow in the first place. Damn you, less-than-minimum wage!

How about a side trip somewhere nearby? I will pretend I can't work on the thesis (carpal tunnel!) and we will set off for a few days before or after the first week of school.


Jay said...

Hey Chris,

I wrote a 1000 word piece on graffiti, and sent it to Jen Monday night. But, it's not in TC. Yeah, not the bicycle one.