
A poem comes alive, part five.

Glenn Gould
comes back to life,
buys a grape soda
from a corner store,
one with a green aluminum
awning over the door.

he calls up the radio
station (CBC I think)
from a phone booth, bells
ring in the grey air as
he sips soda, bending
the pull-top back
and forth.

Hm. I don't know about this one.

Anyway, I'm about to check out an art show featuring a performance from Jason. I only have an inkling of what to except, although I've been told it involves an arrow.

I'm setting deadlines and continuing to edit. I think having time off is a crime.


Anonymous said...

If it's a crime, then send me to jail cuz I want some!

Jay said...

I'll throw away the key. Or swallow it.