
There I go, rationalizing again.

Just trying to catch up here. I'm finishing up the reviews and I have some reading and note-taking lined up for tomorrow. The last play I have to review is on Monday. The Fringe administration has been awesome - the person in charge got me tickets faster than, well, something really fast. Sorry folks, I'm out of smilies.

New favourite band? The Kills.

And holy smokes do I have to buy a lot of crap. Possibly a new backpack (one that carries laptops), books, a memory upgrade (not for me, the computer, although the idea isn't exactly unappealing), more clothes, a portable coffee mug thing, comics and of course, my tuition.

It seems kind of selfish, doesn't it? Me having these little consumer woes while people, living a few thousand miles just south of here, are living in a watery, post-apocalyptic warzone. If I had the cash and fewer distractions then yeah, I would do more. But I also look at it this way: I'm broke. I'm also a full-time student who was, for the lack of a better word, blocked from entering post-secondary. Partly because I was sleeping on people's couches when other kids were packing their lunches for their first day of university. And partly because I had to overcome my self-esteem issues too. For me, going to school and writing are the most important things to me right now. If I had the cash the Red Cross would be getting a cheque from me.

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