

I found out last night that my short story "Apple Tarts," which is based on my friend Jason, was accepted to the 2007 edition of Pearls, the Douglas College student journal.

My first published story in a literary journal. What next?


Anonymous said...

i. am. so. proud. of who? you!

jess xo

Jay said...

Thank you! *dances by kicking legs high in the air*

Anonymous said...

What next?

Drunkenness and vomiting on tables during open mic poetry? Wait, that's already a given. ;)


Jay said...

I haven't vomited on tables in years! And by years, I mean hours.

Thanks Chris!

Julia said...

congrats jay! i'm very proud of you too.

Anonymous said...

umm, me too! (to be fair, i said it in person first)

That is a good story. Now get the rest of your brilliant stuff out there, yo.

Jay said...

I do have some things on the go, which I'll be glad to share with anyone over several bottles of wine.

Jay said...

Thanks Julia! BTW, we need more dispatches from the Sudan. Do it! *shakes fist*