
Post-class glow.

Apparently, there will be a "scheduled outage" on Blogger at about 3:30 PM today. I figured now is a good time to say that my American lit class was super fun and really enlightening. Not in a textual way (although it's always great to discuss some of Thoreau's more radical ideas) but more in a methodological way; that is, the ways in which we read, analyze and discuss texts, as well as write about text.

The idea that literary criticism is parasitic, or it relies on literature to sustain the genre, is not nuanced enough and quite reactionary. But that's just it, criticism is a genre, a philosophical discourse on the nature and being (a metaphysical discourse, perhaps?) of literature.

I also have some insight into whay I don't talk in class in more. I mean, I do, but not enough.

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